All Board meetings are open to the public. We meet six times a year at the Paradise Fire Station at 7pm. The agenda is posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting.
Paradise Fire Protection District Agenda 6/25/24
Location & Time: Paradise Fire Station, 7PM
Directors: DesRochers, Pontak, Schneider, Smith, Webber
Invited Guests: Chief Dale Schmidt, Battalion Chief Mark Daniel,
Michele Kinney, Russell Kinney
Regular Meeting:
1. Approve minutes for meeting 5/14/24
2. Secretary’s report
3. Treasurer’s report
4. Chief’s report
5. Crew report
New Business:
1. Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) Cooperative Agreement
Renewal; Firefighter Property Program (FFP)
Old/Pending Business:
1. Water Tender Garage Project; Authorization of Expenditures
2. 2024 OES Salary Survey
3. Fire Mitigation Fee Study; Contract with Revenue & Cost Specialists
4. Painting of Firehouse
5. Blocking of Property Access south of Firehouse
6. Fundraiser updates
7. Board vacancies
Next Meeting: ____________________
Agenda Officially Posted: 6/22/24, 11AM